Welcome to the newly created site where I will be featuring the best of my astrophotos that I image as well as the home for the new blog replacing the SkyAndRockets blog site.
This will be a convenient web site to view my astrophotos and where you can purchase prints of the images you see here.
It is also the replacement for my current blog, SkyAndRockets, and will be updated with articles, conversations, images and other astro-related topics. The rocketry stuff will no longer be available as I am not all that involved in the amateur rocketry world as I once was, although I may post news items related to that hobby from time to time. But this site will mainly pertain to my astrophotography.
In addition to astrophotography, Michael also runs a small business, Maryland Fiber Arts (mdfiberarts.com), where he designs, constructs and produces custom embroidery items and quilts together with his wife, Joan (who does most of the quilting). In fact, this web site is a subdomain of mdfiberarts. If you are interested in quilting and/or embroidery, check us out.
Please take a few minutes to check out the new site. Let me know what you think!